//Terms and Conditions

Academiccanvas.com provides its service subject to the following Terms of Use. The Terms of Use for academiccanvas.com may update the Terms of Use at any time.

Copyright Notice

All the lessons provided on academiccanvas.com are the property of academic canvas. Although the lessons are freely available online at academiccanvas.com, users will not be allowed to copy, publish, distribute, or use any text, video or audio for commercial or non-commercial purposes. If or when any quote or page is used, proper citation is a must. In case of any queries regarding the copyright, please contact [email protected].

Description of Service

Academiccanvas.com provides lessons for all courses in the form of text and video files. Categories consist of - Nursery teachers training material, Regular English, Business English, Recruit ready programs and Useful Phrases, Message Boards and other means used by academiccanvas.com to help users learn any/all courses under our banner.

Academiccanvas.com does not take responsibility for any inappropriate usage of any notes provided in the Academiccanvas.com website. If any user wants to seek clarity then they may do so through the message boards or through email.

Mock Interview questions are provided to give users assistance to face real-time interviews with confidence. While facing real-time interview questions, academiccanvas.com does not guarantee that you will pass the interview using answers provided in academiccanvas.com. academiccanvas.com is not responsible for any detriment caused by using answers in each interview lesson.

Content of Site

Although users may not find any kind of profanity in any of the lessons, some of the subjects and sentences may be inappropriate for children.

Refund Policy

We understand that, sometimes, plans are likely to change. If you can no longer wish to take up the course, please email us in advance at [email protected].

Refunds will be made as per the policies mentioned below.

We strive to maintain the highest standards of quality and as with everything else that we do at The Academic Canvas, you get a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Cancellations prior to the course In case you’re not able to take up the course and want a refund prior to the course commencement date, we will refund the full amount to you.

Withdrawals during the course If you don't see an exceptional value you expected in our course, and you wish to withdraw within the first week, we will proceed with a 100% refund - no questions asked.

However, once you have attended more than a week of the course, you will not be eligible for any refund.

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